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Selecting a child care provider is more importanlty based on quality of care and your comfort that a provider will meet your basic philosophy in child-rearing. However, we understand that some basic questions also need consideration. The following questions are some general ones that most parents ask. Should you have additional questions, please feel free to call us or refer to our CONTACT page to send an Email. In most cases we get back to you the same day, or the following business day.

Do I need an appointment to tour?


Yes, so as not to take time and attention away from the children in our care we do not conduct tours during our main hours of operation nor on weekends. Typically tours start at 4:30pm and generally takes 30-45 min. Tours are offered when space is either currently available or no earlier than 3 months before an anticipated opening. Prior to in-person tours we conduct a Meet & Greet Zoom to share our program, answer your questions and ensure our program meets your basic needs. 

Do you offer care for ages 4 and up?


Our program is designed for children under 4; however once a child begins care with us we work with parents to assist in knowing when their child is ready for a pre-school; which we recommend to prepare children for kindergarten. That being said; generally between age 3.5-4 years of age children graduate from our program.

What are your rates and how often do we pay?


Our rates depend on the number of days and hours you require. Payment are made on a weekly basis and are due on Fridays for the upcoming week. Please contact us directly for our rates.

Are you closed on holidays and personal days?


We are closed on all the major holidays. Refer to our PARENT page for the current holiday schedule. In addition, we take some personal time off during the year to rejuvinate.

Do we pay if our child does not attend on a particular day?


Payments made are to secure a space on our State Child Care Roster, thus payments are due according to the contracted days and hours regardless of absenses of child (ie illness, vacation). 

Do you offer a meal program?

For children ages 12+  months who are able to eat table food and self-feed, we offer an AM/PM snack and lunch. Due to state regulations if a parent would like their child to have milk, they may bring on a daily basis. Water is served throughout the day. We do not serve fruit juice. Children with special diet and allergy restrictions may or may not be offered our meal plan depending on their restrictions.  

Do you require immunizations?

Current state laws require all children to be immunized prior to admission.  

Do you offer a pre-school program?


Generally pre-school age is recognized as age 3 3/4 age, however we have designed an Early Learners Program designed for our age group.  We believe children learn through play at this age, however, we do have structured lesson plans designed to teach children. OUR GOAL is to make learning FUN and create a love for learning. 

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